Word on the Street...
Some of the rave reviews from enthusiasts, musicians, and educators around the world.
Impressive! If it means anything coming from me, The blues is one of the most important threads in the fabric of American music, and this slim volume puts the reader at the heart of the appeal of the blues by relating a simple story of a young African American boy in the deep south who is captivated by the mysterious music he hears wafting across the fields in the evening breeze. This slim volume covers the major bases of the blues story, and in making it so accessible and colorful (and suitable for young readers), it does as much for the music (or perhaps more) as any deep scholarly study.” Being a blues musician and having lived in the Deep South, I found this book a great way to get a quick glimpse into the history of blues and a feeling for the delta." Very interesting book, covering the origins of the blues from the Delta cotton fields to Chicago and beyond, well written and drawn, without being opinionated. Geared to entice youth to the blues, and other musical off shoots.” I enjoyed this comic book and found it very informative. The art work is very good and the whole book is professionally done! I liked the part that tells you how to write your own blues song! Well done!” |
The comics have been very successfully accepted by all the kids we've been visiting within our Blues at schools program. It has been considered as "World Class" by the kids." This comic does a great job teaching folks about where our music comes from. Very informative and full of great illustrations. A must have for music educators. For $5 its easy to make it part of your class!" I would have loved to have had this when we ran a blues class for teenagers as part of a Black History Week in a London School. A great intro into where much of modern music comes from. Beautifully drawn and reproduced in a modern style. Only five bucks! How can you afford to miss it!" This booklet beautifully captures the essence of the blues origin in the delta. I won this item in a raffle from the author himself. I was thrilled and hope this work will find itself in schools that have tied up with Blues in Schools foundation.” In ten minutes the reader will have a brief history of the blues, from its delta juke joint beginnings to its northward migration to south Chicago. Readers come away knowing the names of the greats from both regions. I like that space is provided to write your own call and response blues tune. The tie in to more modern musical genres could have been stronger, but given the space constraints of a comic book format, it was adequate. The illustrations are excellent." It’s really excellent. Nice work!” |
The Blues is an accessible and entertaining account of the blues story. The graphics are realistic, colorful, and uncluttered, and the first person narration by the fictional character 'Big O' is warm and inviting. It's an ideal accompaniment to a blues-in-the-schools presentation, a visual component to reinforce the auditory pleasure of blues music."
— Tim Volem, Rainy Day Blues Society, retired educator